Across the country, multi-stakeholder groups are using a new model to achieve the goals of a community-focused Triple Aim — improved care, reduced health care costs, and enhanced population health. These new Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) are bringing together partners from health, social service, and other sectors to improve population health and clinical-community linkages within a geographic area. Several State Innovation Models (SIM) states are testing ACH models to advance their goals and address the full range of clinical and non-clinical factors that influence health.
This brief reviews state efforts to develop and test ACH models within the federal SIM initiative, including an examination of how ACHs are connected with broader population health and delivery system reform plans. It profiles key elements of ACHs in pioneering states and examines models in California, Michigan, Minnesota, and Washington. It also looks at additional SIM states — Delaware, Iowa, and Virginia — that are pursuing regional ACH-like alliances.
The brief was produced by CHCS with support from Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. CHCS is part of a team led by NORC at the University of Chicago that is serving as the State Innovation Model Resource Support Contractor.